
Tell Your Shadowbox Story: Happily Ever After

My turn, my turn, my turn!  After letting my readers show off some of their ShadowCases, I thought it was about time that I posted one of my all-time favorites from my home.

Generations of happy couples in my family smile at us from behind the glass. Everyday it reminds me of how blessed I am.  Although some of these loved ones have now passed on, the memories will always be a part of my life and the lives of my children!

I used the Modern ShadowCase Kit with black and white photos (re-printed, not the originals!) matted on patterned scrapbook paper.

My favorite part is this finishing touch on the outside of the glass.  Just like in scrapbooking, I love a great ShadowCase title!

Some people might say I'm obsessed with shadowboxes.....I guess I'd have to agree!


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